Counseling Services Offered

Grief Couseling

Grief Counseling is its own type of counseling. Grief is any loss in life; death, divorce, losing a job... I have 20 plus years of experience in walking with people through grief.

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Grief Counseling

Individual Trauma Counseling

I use Person Centered Counseling along with Coaching practices to get you where you want to be in a scheduled amount of time to use your time wisely.

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Individual Counseling

Post Divorce Counseling

Post Divorce Counseling is approached the same as grief counseling. Divorce is a death of a marriage, just as in death of a person, your identity has changed. We will work together to get you on a path of recovery for the future you desire.

Let's Talk about scheduling your FREE Trauma Transformation Strategy Consult

I would like to answer any questions you have. Initial contact is through email and sessions are Telehealth.

Telehealth / Google Meet Only

You will receive a Google Meet link through email for your appointment.